UPUMS Staff Nurse Recruitment 2023

  Paramedical Tutorial UTTAR PRADESH UNIVERSITY OF MEDICAL SCIENCES SAIFAI, ETAWAH-206130 Common Eligibility Test (CET) 2022-23 for Recruitment of Staff Nurse Online. Application is invited for the online computer based Common Eligibility Test (CET) 2022-23 for the recruitment of Staff Nurse at Level- 07 in the Pay Matrix (Rs. 44900-142400). 1. ELIGIBILITY CRITERIA FOR APPEARING IN CET 1.1. Essential Qualification : I a. B.Sc. (Hons.) Nursing / B.Sc. Nursing from an Institute or University recognized by Indian Nursing Council/State Nursing Council.    OR B.Sc. (Post-Certificate)/Post-Basic B.Sc. Nursing from an Institute or Universityrecognized by Indian NursingCouncil/State Nursing Council. b. Registered as Nurse & Midwife with State/Indian Nursing Council.  OR II a. Diploma in General Nursing Midwifery from an Indian Nursing Council recognized Institute/Board or Council. b . Registered as Nurse & Midwife in State/Indian Nursing Council. c. Two Years’ Experience in a minimu

LIVING WORLD (Chapter 1)


How to read ncert easily for neet

               Living world

 Characteristic of living

  1. Growth(non defining)
  2. Reproduction(")
  3. Metabolism(defining)
  4. Cellular organization (")
  5. Consciousness(")
**The number of species that are known and describe range between 1.7-1.8 million.**
    Some imp.full form
  • ICZN-International code for zoological nomenclature.
  • ICBN-International code for botanical nomenclature
    ICBN (Book of rule of nomenclature)

  • Biological name given by -CAROLUS LINNAEUS
  • Trinomial nomenclature-HUXLEY &STRICKLAND

    Significance of scientific nomenclature

  1. Scientific nomenclature are standard or universal.
  2. Scientific nomenclature are meaningful.
  3. It shows affinity between plants.
   Tautonomous & autonomous are valid    in only animal nomenclature.

  (Autonomous-when specific epithet & sub      specific epithet are same.      

  (Tautonomous-when generic and specific      epithet are same).    

      Universal rule of nomenclature

  1. Biological name are generally in Latin and written in italics.they are latinised or derived from Latin irrespective of their origin.
  2. The first word in biological name represent the genus while second name denotes specific epithet.
  3. Both the word in biological name,when handwritten ,are separately underlined,or printed in italics to indicate their latin word.
  4. The first word denoting genus starts with capital letter while specific epithet starts with a small letter.
      eg: Mangifera indica.

   Practical significance of taxonomy is the         identification of  unknown organism.  

               #Important points
  • Systematic deals with plant description.
  • Bio /neo/new Systematic classification based on evolutionary as well as genetically relationship.
  • Lineas proposed scientific name of plants in "species plantarum" on 1st May 1753
  • Systema nature published on 1st august 1758(in 10th edition).

               #  Taxonomy

  • Word taxonomy given by A.P De candole.
  • Adolf mayer proposed the term"taxon"for animals.
  • H.J Lam proposed the term taxon for         plants.


  • Species is the basic unit of classification.
  • Biological concept of species given by Ernest mayer[1904-2004] {Darwin of 20th century}
  • Term and concept given by John ray.



  •Term & concept given by Tournefort

 **There is no suffix for Genus ,species &          kingdom.        

 Taxonomic category showing hierarchial arrangement in ascending order.

organism with taxonomic category

             #Herbarium( Dry garden )

  1. Herbarium is a store house of collected plant specimen that are dried ,dead,pressedand preserved on sheets.
  2. Standard size of herbarium sheet=11.5×16.5 inch.
  3. Herbarium also serve as quick referral systems in taxonomical studies.
  4. Largest herbarium of world- Museum of natural history.

                 # Botanical Garden

  1. These garden have collection of living plants for reference.
  2. Plant species in these gardens are grown for identification purposes and each plant is labelled indicating its botanical /Scientific name and its family.
  3. Largest botanical garden - Royal B.G,Kew England.
  4. Oldest botanical garden -Padua Botanical garden (Italy).
  5. Largest botanical garden of Asia - Indian botanical garden,Howrah (India).
  6. National botanical garden-Lucknow.
  7. Indian botanical garden is famous due to the presence of "Great banyan tree".
  8. Forest botanical garden- Dehradun.
  9. Lloyd botanical garden- Darjeeling.

                    # Museam

  1. Biological Museums are generally set up in educational institutes such as school and colleges.
  2. Museums have collection of preserved plant and animal specimens for study and reference.
  3. Specimen are preserved in the containers or jars in preservative solutions.
  4. Plant and animal specimen may also be preserved as dry specimen.
  5. Larger animals like birds and mammals are usually stuffed and preserved.
  6. Museam often have a collection of skeletons of animal too.


                    # Zoological parks 

  1. In this place wild animals are kept in protected environments under human care.
  2. All animals in Zoo are provided ,as far as possible ,the conditions similar to their natural habitats.
  3. These place commonly called Zoos.


                     # Key 

  1. Taxonomic keys are tools that help In identification based characteristic.
  1. Key is another taxonomical aid used for identification of plants and animals based on the similarities and dissimilarities.            
  2. The keys are based on the contrasting (easily differentiable) characters generally in a pair called couplet.                                       
  3. It represent the choice made between two opposite options.                                                  
  4. This results in acceptance of only one and rejection of other .                                                
  5. Each statement in the key is called a lead.      
  6. Keys are generally analytical in nature(which makes analysis.                                

                   # Flora

  1. Flora contains the actual account of habit and distribution of plants of a given area.      
  2. These provide the index to the plant species found in a particular area .

                   # Catalogues

  • It is a small booklet which gives an account of the special books of botanical titles ,full name of authors & their publication. 

                   # Manual 

  • Manuals are useful in providing          information for identification of names of    species found in an area .

                  # Monograph

  • It contains information on any one taxon.

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